BARTEC has partnered with one of the most renowned shipbuilders to set up a unique simulation environment that allows the testing of all component functions under realistically rough conditions. The comprehensive tests carried out clearly show that the heating capacity of BARTEC’s self-regulating heating cable makes it ideally suited for this application. The tests established, for example, that the BARTEC MSB can remove a one-centimeter-thick layer of ice within two hours in an ambient temperature of -25 °C (-13 °F). Tests have also been carried out to assess the cable’s ice-inhibiting capabilities. Despite unchanging freezing ambient conditions, the surface temperature of the test deck, which is constructed of S235 steel and has the same thermal properties as AH36 shipbuilding steel, remained above 0 °C (32 °F) for ten hours.
Due to its design, which sandwiches a temperature-sensitive heating element between parallel copper conductors, the heating cable automatically regulates and limits its own thermal output. This means that if the ambient temperature of the helicopter flight deck drops, the cable’s heating output automatically increases, preventing ice from forming on the deck. Its parallel power supply lines enable the heating cable to be trimmed to the requisite length on site, a feature which considerably facilitates the installation of the heating equipment.
In addition to the heating cable, BARTEC offers all the other components required for a complete heating system. These include the different connecting housings and systems and the various plug connections. The reliant and robust Plexo TCS plug-in system features a plug-and-play connection as well as spring terminals to allow quick and easy installation with standard tools. This is also advantageous for maintenance and revision processes – the ease of handling and the elimination of silicon adhesive and heat-shrink methods mean that downtimes are considerably reduced. Another advantage of Plexo is that it can also be used as adapter housing as 4 mm2 connecting leads (including sheathed ones) - can be easily inserted.
The first helicopter flight decks have already been successfully fitted with the BARTEC components. This success clearly underscores the test results, proving once again that the BARTEC heating cable is optimally suited for this type of situation.