Unveiling the Story behind BARTEC SP9EX1 Smartphone and BARTEC SC9EX1 Smartscanner

As the world market leader in explosion protection, BARTEC is not only keen to strengthen this position, but also to expand it further. The question hence arose, how could this goal be achieved?

With a thirst for innovation and commitment to world-class products – two qualities for which BARTEC is renowned. In the past, we were the first company to bring together and integrate the scanning function in a smartphone for explosion protection – a technology that is now unique worldwide and makes a significant contribution to safety in hazardous areas.

To follow this, this year we are proud to have developed BARTEC SP9EX1 Smartphone, the world’s most compact 5G smartphone for ATEX, IECEx Zone1/21 and NEC Class I, II, III, Division 1 and the BARTEC SC9EX1 Smartscanner, which adds unparalleled scanning efficiency and accuracy with its seamlessly integrated Zebra Technologies SE5500® scan engine. The devices are developed in close collaboration between various teams at BARTEC with years of experience in the EX-industry and its partner Sigma Connectivity.

The idea of creating a smartphone equipped with a built-in scanner emerged in response to the growing need for solutions tailored to challenging environments, particularly within hazardous areas. "We already had products with 4G access in our portfolio," explains Ralph Lanig, Head of R&D Enterprise Mobility at BARTEC. "With the new 5G device, we have taken an important next development step. Previously, we used only a mobile computer with an integrated scanner – not the most practical or convenient solution in the long term, but also wanted to expand this scanner option in smartphones.” It was no easy task for the 30-strong international team to meet the high demands of 5G connectivity and the smartphone and scanning function. But in the end, the intensive exchange of knowledge and close collaboration contributed significantly to the success of the project.

Successfully Mastering Complex Processes

"We learn with every new development," says Tobias Rokseth, Marketing Manager Business Unit Enterprise Mobility. "Customer feedback is particularly valuable for us here because it is the customers who work with our products every day. This enables us to effectively address customer feedback and improve on important features like storage capacity, speaker volume, microphone performance, and also the size and layout of the devices. Additionally, we leverage continuous input from our experts to further refine and enhance this next generation of devices, ensuring the best possible end result.”

Large projects also require larger teams – and bring with them greater challenges. A total of almost 100 different stakeholders are involved in the development. "A complex product also requires complex solutions," says Ralph Lanig. "Our multidisciplinary team masters this brilliantly, allowing us to implement and support the largest investment that BARTEC has ever made in a product."

Most smartphones are not designed in Europe anymore for a variety of reasons. However, BARTEC decided to work with an expert in the field: Sigma Connectivity. The Swedish-based company has extensive expertise in the field of connectivity solutions and the capacity to develop such a sophisticated product in Europe.

Next Level of Connectivity and Digitalization

BARTEC has more than 20 years of experience in the field of connectivity and digitalization – essential know-how that has made the development of such technology possible in the first place. "We are working with many partners to further expand our expertise," says Tobias Rokseth. "These partners include the market leader in enterprise mobility, Zebra Technologies. This exclusive partnership enables the optimization of devices for Zone 1 and 2 products from BARTEC, such as the barcode scanners, Touch and Mobile Computers, and Tablets.

Digitalization and connectivity make processes more efficient and productive. For example, data can be transferred directly from the scanner and processed more quickly. This saves both time and resources for customers – for example, by enabling them to call colleagues directly from the industrial plant via video call to clarify a potential problem without having to be on site. The battery capacity has also been optimized. "We have to take into account that the smartphone and scanner last an entire shift and that the charging options are simple but effective. Some workers have their own device, while others use a shared device. So we looked specifically at what our customers need and how we can support them," explains Tobias Rokseth.

We leverage continuous input from our experts to further refine and enhance this next generation of devices, ensuring the best possible end result.

Tobias Rokseth, BARTEC Marketing Manager Business Unit Enterprise Mobility

Investment in the Future

The aim is to meet the needs of customers and offer innovative hardware and software solutions. Ralph Lanig comments: "We want to continue to consolidate our pioneering role in the industry. For example, we not only want to offer the hardware, but also integrate our software solutions into the products in the long term." The BARTEC SP9EX1 Smartphone and BARTEC SC9EX1 Smartscanner offer a wide range of application scenarios, from working in dark environments to remote communication and data capture. Their robustness and connectivity make them indispensable tools.

What is special about this project is that it is one of the first projects to involve BARTEC developing a product in a global team of experts of this size – an example of teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration. Ralph Lanig explains: ”Not only did different areas of expertise come together here, but also different cultures. Everyone involved showed great commitment and dedication. Together, we have reached a milestone that will have a decisive impact on the future of our company and our industry."

Andrej Sonkin, BARTEC Senior Vice President Enterprise Mobility Unit, concludes: '’Building smartphones and smartscanners is one thing, however building them for the demanding EX1 use is something else. BARTEC is known for its focus on quality and reliability, and every detail in these new 5G devices is crafted to meet these criteria. At the heart of the devices is to provide users with best in-class safe, effective and enjoyable mobile experience for their tasks.''

At the heart of these devices is to provide users with best in-class safe, effective and enjoyable mobile experience for their tasks.

Andrej Sonkin, BARTEC Senior Vice President, Enterprise Mobility Unit

Key features in the development of the 5G smartphone and smartscanner

  • BARTEC has developed the most compact 5G smartphone for the Zone 1/Div 1 hazardous area.
  • A clean and minimalist design ensures user-friendly operation.
  • Customers carry the smartphone with them at all times. The design is optimized to be practical, comfortable and lightweight.
  • The smartphone has the largest and brightest screen in the industry and the smartscanner can scan barcodes from up to 14 meters away
  • Both devices are dust and water resistant, which is mandatory for the environment in which it is used.
  • BARTEC is offering a broad range of accessories for both devices, such as protective covers, charging solutions, and for the smartscanner, a scan handle.


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