The Youth Development Project ’’Jugendtechnikschule’’: Young Pupils Gain their First Practical Experience at BARTEC

From July 15 to 18, 2024, six pupils from Kopernikus-Realschule Bad Mergentheim visited BARTEC's headquarters – main site as part of the youth development project ‘’Jugendtechnikschule”

Pupils from Jugendtechnikschule with BARTEC mentors

Pupils of 'Jugendtechnikschule'' with BARTEC mentors and Heiko Knebel, Principal of Kopernikus-Realschule and Iris Lange-Schmalz, Project Manager project ’’Jugendtechnikschule’’

Pupils of ''Jugendtechnikschule'' hard at work at BARTEC

From 2024, BARTEC has been participating in the youth development project ‘’Jugendtechnikschule’’ project for the first time and invited six pupils from Kopernikus-
Realschule Bad Mergentheim to visit BARTEC's main site. The focus of the visit was the independent installation of a temperature measuring circuit as well as the personal exchange with trainees and trainers from BARTEC.

The Main-Tauber ‘’Jugendtechnikschule’’ (JTS) is an extracurricular educational initiative that gives children, teenagers and young adults the opportunity to engage with modern science, engineering and information technology. The project is supported by companies and partners from the region and is run by the region of Main-Tauber e.V. The aim of the project is to awaken curiosity and interest in technical matters.

“As a company with a focus on the future and innovation, we are always on the lookout for young workers who are excited for STEM professions. Our participation in the ‘’Jugendtechnikschule’’ initiative is therefore an excellent opportunity to position BARTEC as an attractive employer from the region among young pupils,” emphasizes HR Manager Daniela Hartsarich, who organized the project on behalf of BARTEC together with Nadine
Gimbert and Ralph Lanig.

The focus of the exchange was on practical work. The independent installation of a temperature measurement circuit linked to an app provided an excellent opportunity to experience STEM in a tangible way and immerse themselves in the world of electrical engineering. The pupils were able to solder the circuit themselves, put the measuring circuit into operation and check its function independently after initial commissioning. The finished projects were then personalized using laser technology, which not only provided the participants with technical knowledge, but also opened up creative design possibilities.

The students were supervised by BARTEC apprentice Marius Reindel and BARTEC DH student Hanna Schreck. As a technical backup, Franziska Blau and Mirco Hohstadt from the Business Units were on hand to answer any in-depth questions. All those involved were correspondingly proud when the finished results were presented on the last day in the presence of Heiko Knebel, Principal of Kopernikus-Realschule and Iris Lange-Schmalz, Project Manager of the youth development project ’’Jugendtechnikschule’’.